Oops...Why Did I Just Do That? How to Understand Yourself and Others and Access a Superpower For Success.

This workshop is for you if:

  • You want to understand why you say and do the things you say and do.

  • You want to understand why others say and do the things they say and do.

  • You are ready to discover a Superpower for success in relationships, work and life.

Workshop details:

In this workshop, we’ll examine the components that add up to the Superpower; where they come from and how to recognize and use them. I once went out on a very bad, boring date, that turned into the biggest career opportunity of my life. My date was starting a new jeans business. I did not want the date, but I did want a job with the new startup. Fortunately, I had discovered a Superpower so that I was able to say no to the guy, and still land the job.


Meet Sandi Stuart

Co Founder and President, Agency Licensing Inc.

Hi, I’m Sandi, and I was one of the first female sales executives in the men’s jeans business. I started my career as an outsider, and worked my way up to become the Executive Vice President at Bugle Boy Industries. During my career at Bugle Boy, I helped the company grow from $0 to $500 million annually. Today I’m the co-founder of Agency Licensing, licensing brands to mass marketers like Target and Walmart, as well as providing brands for on air flash sales for national television shows. I am a graduate of The Institute of Integrative Body Psychotherapy, and have taught somatic psychotherapy in the US, Canada and Europe.

I am not what happens to me. I am what I choose to become.
— Carl Jung.

Land Development, Homebuilding, Apartment Building 101 & Personal Finance 101


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