We can’t do this alone.
Join us!
Your monetary support and action-fueled collaboration enable CAYS to make an even bigger impact in the world with the Discover Your Purpose program.
When our youth know their purpose, we develop stronger talent, build more productive communities, and drive growth together!
When we elevate the youth in our communities, we all win!
Make an impact.
We collaborate with like-minded organizations to scale the impact of our program across the country, and globally.
If you believe in providing young people with improved education and personal development opportunities for long-term success—no matter what their background is—we would love to welcome you as a CAYS corporate sponsor.
Sponsorship Options:
Discovery Dialogue
To engage the community with the Discover Your Purpose program, Discovery Dialogue Workshops are offered to both student and adult audiences.
Led by a CAYS Workshop Leader, these half-hour to two hour workshops engage schools and organizations with their community through an engaging process that follows the same format as our curriculum. Participants create questions they would like to ask the guest ahead of the workshop, and during the workshop engage through a process of defining success and the impact purpose has on their lives.
Student workshops offered to a class, school assembly, or youth organization.
A similar workshop flow is offered to adults where they gain person value as well as get inspired to support local schools.
Sponsorship: $750 — $2000
Teacher Training
To maximize the impact of the Discover Your Purpose program, we have created an engaging training program for teachers and other education facilitators so they can teach the Discover Your Purpose curriculum to their students more effectively.
This allows students and youth organization members to:
Get the most out of the curriculum as they Discover their purpose
Develop and enhance what they’ve learned about their purpose and their skills critical to the future of work
Engage in real-life situations to Live with their newly-learned skills
CAYS-trained educators receive:
Teacher’s Guide
Curriculum Map Template
Teacher Workbook
Digital Resource Library
Sponsorship for 30 teachers — $750
Mentorship Program
The Discover Your Purpose Mentoring Program is a six-week program engaging teachers and community members who serve as mentors, each with two to four students. They are trained by a Mentor Trainer/Coordinator who is trained by CAYS. This replicable mentorship program provides effective (and fun) training to help people within organizations or school systems become Discover Your Purpose mentor trainers.
Mentor training sets a high bar for facilitator excellence. We cover the basics such as:
program expectations
outcomes, cultural issues
skills requirements and needs
pathways to future employment that build student self-esteem and community engagement
We also make sure our mentor trainers have the skills and support they need to work with both community leaders and students. They learn:
how to set up a mentoring program
how to engage people in their community
how to train new mentors
how to lead and run CAYS mentoring programs for sustained success.
Mentor training participants receive:
Mentorship Facilitator’s Guide
Mentorship Program
Mentor Training
Mentor Handbook
Student Mentoring Workbook
Sponsorship per school, nonprofit, or company — $7500 per school
Adopt A School
Adopt an entire school and get involved in all levels!
Sponsorship: $25,000
Sponsorship per school — $25,000 per school