Everything You Need to Know to Quantum Leap Your Expectations
This workshop is for you if:
You want to learn more about how to be aware of your emotions
You want to learn how to observe yourself and others
You want to learn how the actions you take are the keys to exceeding your expectations
Workshop details:
You have a lot of choices to make to shape your future and decide which path to pursue. You first need to learn about yourself emotionally, intellectually and spiritually. This workshop will help you align your thoughts and your emotions to help you experience your expectations.
Meet Geary Morales
President, RESULTS Consultancy Network
I specialize in the facilitation of the strategic planning process, business development and execution. I am a freelance writer, direct response copywriter, radio broadcast host, secular & Christian, researcher, wrestling coach, trainer, mentor and confidant. I am looking forward to sharing my journey with students as a way to inspire them to do more with their lives. Learn more about Geary on his website: www.RESULTSConsultancyNetwork.com.
“You are what you think about all day long.”